Case Study: Chrestomathy, Inc and Pavillio

by | Mar 23, 2022 | Case Study

Pavillio and chrestomathy

Case Study: Chrestomathy, Inc and Pavillio

When looking for a HCBS software system, day support and employment service industry leader Chrestomathy had a lot of options. Would they go with a system poorly rolled out in multiple states with no tie to Minnesota where Chrestomathy is located? Or would they go with a uniquely qualified software provider with a dedication to customer service, one that knows Minnesota rules and regulations in and out?

Chrestomathy began using Cashe Legacy in October of 2021. Since then, they have moved successfully to Pavillio, bringing the full functionality of cutting edge software to their business. In speaking with Josh Moore from Chrestomathy, he laid out the options they had and how they ultimately went with Cashe’s Legacy system first before eventually moving to Pavillio.

“We began on Cashe Legacy and moved to Pavillio in November. The implementation process for Pavillio was great! Christine has been wonderful. She has smoothed any hiccups that occurred.”

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Using our suggestion to use a pilot program with a small number of employees then rolling out Pavillio to the entire team, Chrestomathy saw a rapid adoption of the technology. Josh continued:

“We started with a pilot group in November, then a whole site in December, a second site in January, and the whole company was up and running by January 14th. The set up was very good. Day to day, attendance, time capture, it’s been really smooth with our growth.”

Speaking to Chrestomathy’s Project Manager, Christine, she spoke about their experience and migration to Pavillio. Every client is assigned a dedicated Project Manager that will be their go to contact at Cashe.

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“I started their migration… and we met every week for several weeks and built up the adoption of Pavillio. With the holidays it took a little longer than anticipated, but we all knew that going in. By January they were fully implemented. Something that other agencies can learn from Chrestomathy’s experience is that it will take work from both parties to make the implementation a success. The agency will need to provide and input data, but Chrestomathy embraced that. The agency was very receptive to the platform and worked to adopt Pavillio. They embraced the work it took and put great effort into doing their homework. They understood that I was there to help guide them in the implementation and adoption process and we worked very well together. Change is hard, but this team did very well.”

Chrestomathy’s experience is one mirrored by hundreds of users of Pavillio. A dedication to customer service has set Cashe Software and Pavillio above all other HCBS software platforms.

Interested in setting up a demo to see what Pavillio can do for you? Set up a time here!

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