Managing home care billing performance and increasing caregiver capacity

by | Jun 19, 2023 | News

Cashé Software released two new Pavillio product features – Session-Based Care (SharedCare) and Agency Financials – to meet the complex home care billing needs and workforce shortages facing home care agencies.

Most home care billing and compliance software platforms are built around a 1:1 care delivery model. However, this is an outdated caregiving framework. COVID-19 and the ongoing home care workforce shortages have fueled the need to deliver and support care in a different way – including the ability to provide care to multiple clients at once. 

Additionally, we have heard from customers and the home care community that agencies often struggle with real-time visibility into Accounts Receivables, which negatively impacts their ability to easily work receivables to get paid. This results in lost revenue opportunities, which Accounts Receivable teams could better tackle with the right tools. 

As a result, the trusted leader in home care operations, EVV compliance and billing, Cashé Software responded to these challenges by launching two new features to meet this need: Session-Based Care (SharedCare) and Agency Financials. 

  • Session-Based Care (SharedCare): enables caregivers to log billable time for multiple clients in a single entry – no more entering multiple timesheets. And no more need for agencies to process those multiple timesheets and risk errors in manual processing and claims submissions. 
  • Agency Financials: ensures agency owners and financial managers are now able to easily and quickly assess financial performance via the centralized dashboard, detailing denials, payment status and more to continually ensure Accounts Receivable are accurate and current. 

The result?  

  • Increased team capacity – better meet staffing challenges by enabling caregivers to care for and track time for more than one client at a time. 
  • Forecast with confidence – get real-time revenue and claims payment status to better manage Accounts Receivables on an on-going basis in a centralized location. 

“Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our customers and the industry have shared the challenges they are facing to deliver care amid ongoing staffing shortages as well as effectively manage revenue operations.” said Praba Manivasager, President and CEO of Cashé Software. “We are excited to release Session-Based Care, also known as SharedCare, and Agency Financials as new Pavillio product releases to better serve the community and meet their needs to help them care for and track time for more than one client at a time as well as better manage Accounts Receivables.” 

Session-Based Care (SharedCare) and Agency Financials are the latest new Pavillio product features on the heels of significant investments, including an updated mobile app released in May 2023. These new releases come at no extra cost and are part of the Pavillio base platform. These continued product improvements reflect Cashé Software’s mission to empower care teams and clients to work together toward the shared goal of self direction. We seek to help home care agencies get paid with confidence so teams can get time back to live your organization’s mission – delivering care to those who need it the most. 

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