EVV Implementation: How long does it take to get started?

by | Apr 15, 2020 | Billing

Is your agency required to implement EVV by 2021? We’ve mapped out three timelines for EVV implementation to get you to successfully get up and running by the January 1st deadline. Select the best process for your agency based on these 3-, 6-, and 9-month plans to implement Electronic Visit Verification on time.

EVV Success Timeline-01.png

How to Implement EVV in 9 Months:

Month 1 – Select your EVV Solution

Shop around for a tool that will work for you. Make sure the solution is complaint with federal and state requirements and captures the correct data. Look for something that will be easy for your staff and care recipients to use on a regular basis. Ensure there are training tools or help desks available to assist if needed.

Month 2 – Access the Applications

Sign-up for your chosen EVV solution and install or download any necessary applications. Make sure you can log in to the solution without issue and are able to successfully access all necessary tools. Test that the solution can be accessed from any device.

Month 3 – Train Administrative Staff.

Utilize any available training tools to get yourself and your admin team familiar with your EVV solution. Make sure everyone feels comfortable both using the solution and teaching others to do so. This allows them to help you train your care staff.

Month 4 – Train Care Staff.

Follow the same steps you took to train your administrative staff but focus on tools specific to your care staff. Make sure they feel confident using the solution, so they can easily begin integrating EVV into their visit routine.

Month 5 – Train Care Recipients and Guardians.

Finally, make sure all of your care recipients are able to understand the solution if needed. In cases where a guardian or responsible party is involved, make sure they are able to absorb the knowledge necessary to use EVV.

Month 6 – Troubleshoot and Adjust.

Change always takes time. You may run into some issues or questions that require sorting out. It is best to get these out of the way before proper data capture is federally mandated, so you have time to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Month 7 – Successfully Bill with EVV Data.

Make sure you go through a full billing cycle relying on the data captured by your EVV solution. Take the time to look over the details so you can be certain all information is properly captured and converted to your billing solution.

Month 8 – Ensure State Compliance.

You are almost ready to go! Verify that your state has not released any additions to EVV requirements. You want to be sure your solution and data capture is fully compliant before the 2021 deadline makes it mandatory.

Month 9 – Go Live for 2021!

Great work! You can successfully use EVV for your agency and are fully implemented by the deadline.

How to Implement EVV in 6 months:

Month 1 – Select your EVV Solution and Access the Applications.

Month 2 – Train Administrative Staff.

Month 3 – Train Care Staff.

Month 4 – Train Care Recipients and Guardians.

Month 5 – Troubleshoot and Adjust. Successfully Bill with EVV Data.

Month 6 – Ensure State Compliance. Go Live for 2021!

How to Implement EVV in 3 Months:

Month 1 – Select your EVV Solution and Access the Applications. Train Administrative Staff.

Month 2 – Train Care Staff, then Care Recipients and Guardians. Troubleshoot and Adjust.

Month 3 – Successfully Bill with EVV Data and Ensure State Compliance. Go Live for 2021!

Whichever timeline you choose, we wish you luck on your journey and recommend getting started. For more about EVV and other HCBS content, visit pavillio.com under our resources tab.

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