Digitizing human services for counties

by | Dec 26, 2023 | EVV, Home Care, News

As you look back at your holiday shopping, was the majority done online? 

If so, you weren’t alone. The ease to shop, buy, manage payments, resolve customer support issues and more are commonly among the top reasons why so many of us prefer to shop online. 

So why wouldn’t state and local governments want to create a similar seamless experience, making it easy for county care recipients to find and manage their services plus have a central mobile spot for all their digital records?

They do! 

And now, digitizing human services for counties is possible. 

Imagine: one place to bill and manage everything, including for all Health & Human Services (HHS) payors while consolidated overall reporting – without overhauling existing systems. 

Introducing Pavillio, one app for all: the security of “MyChart” with the accessibility of a smartphone  

Pavillio is now able to empower county care recipients to self-serve through digitizing human services for counties – within existing state systems.  

The app allows residents and recipients to self-direct services while at the same time empowering counties to drive county digital transformation  to deploy more services more efficiently and manage them easily without delays.  

Driven by the power of self-direction, recipients can easily know Medicaid eligibility status, find providers, monitor service agreements, manage appointments, and much more.  Check out our one-pager here to see the app.

The benefits are significant. 

For recipients and residents: 

  • Real-time benefit information at their fingertips 
  • One tool for all county communications 
  • Easy access to case managers 


For counties: 

  • Serve more residents. 
  • Less manual paperwork 
  • The app is open even when your office is closed


The imperative to innovate and transform care 

We had already seen the demand for Pavillio increase – especially as the pandemic fundamentally changed digital appetites and expectations.  

So, when the State of Minnesota issued an initiative in October 2023 to transform service delivery, better integrate services for children and families, modernize Medicaid Management Information Systems, and more – and that the mandate provided funds through 2025, we knew we needed to act now. 

But to start, we and our county partners had key questions, such as: 

  • What can we do here and now? 
  • How can we leverage what we have today without costly and time-consuming large-scale projects? 


Given our history and track record, fortunately, the answers became simple. 

Driving digital transformation affordably and efficiently with a trusted partner 

Starting in August 2022, we began working with Washington County to help them close revenue gaps and improve operational efficiency to maximize care and services delivery to its residents. 

We built an intelligent integration with SSIS, which not only made billing a one-click versus time-intensive, manual process, but also automated eligibility, automated remit posting, provided comprehensive reporting and much more.  

The results were impressive. 

  • 75% reduction in time to complete billing 
  • Significant billing accuracy improvements 
  • Closed revenue gap by reducing volume of unbilled services 


As we worked together, it became clear there was still much more we could do to help counties and help in our shared mission to improve lives. 

It also became even more clear that our flagship product – Pavillio – could play a key role. With its person-centered design and focus on empowering individuals to self-direct their own services and care, Pavillio already had a long-standing history serving more than 400 home care and community-based services agencies and impacting more than 75,000 individuals. 

Starting now – together. 

Are you ready to make a change? We’d love to help. Let’s start transforming and modernizing services – together. Get started by filling out this short form to get a demo or by contacting our team at [email protected]. 

About the author Praba Manivasager, CEO, Cashé Software

Praba Manivasager is the President and CEO of Cashé Software. He brings more than 25 years of experience to serving county human services teams and home care and community-based services agencies. He has deep technical expertise as well as product strategy and operations experience. He is an advocate for the home care community  and passionate about using technology to improve lives.


We are thrilled to announce Document Signatures are now available!