Making it easier and faster to complete and submit required IRS 941 and 940 tax forms

We automated the process for completing and submitting IRS employment 941 and 940 tax forms. Better yet – we are making it available for free. Check out below to get started!

Don’t wait! Sign up for access now​

Enter your contact information and you will receive an email with access and instructions.​

Frequently asked questions

what is the catch and why is this free?

No catch! We see it as a gap in the market and part of our mission to add value so we can care for those who care for others.

what if there are future changes to the form?

We will modify the tool like we do with Pavillio and other offerings to ensure we stay in compliance to best help your operational needs.

do you guarantee accuracy of the output?

While we check our code and calculations, we do not validate the data in the output file. That is each organization’s responsibility. We simply provide the tool and automation to make it easier and faster.

how do i get started - now?

Download 940_template_CasheSoftware

Download 941R-template here

 Simply fill out the form and we will reach out to you with login credentials for the tool in a few days. If you already have login credentials, you can access the tool here.

who is this tool meant for?

Anyone who wants to use it. We built it mainly for FMS, F/EA organizations.

where can i find the import template?

Please use this import template. The headings need to remain unchanged.

For the 941R: Download 941R-template

For the 940 template: Download 940_template_CasheSoftware

what training do you provide?

No training required. After you login, you upload your CSV file (941R-template and 940_template_CasheSoftware) in this format and the system will generate the output in a few minutes.

is my data secure?

Yes, it is hosted in our HIPAA secure Amazon cloud environment. 

what will you do with my information?

We will contact you with instructions on how to get started and also for when new additional releases are available. We will also include you in our regular communications, including newsletters and product release updates.

what warranty do you provide?

We do not provide any warranty. This tool is to be used as is and there is no warranty implied or otherwise.

We are thrilled to announce OASIS is now available!